Feedback Monety Expo Warsaw 2012:
- The fair is much bigger than expected, and the Hall is very nice! Is a good place to meet customers after the summer break. Next year I’ll be here again! D.H. (Germany)
- The organisation was very good! The Hall was well lighted and comfortable. Maybe better to run the next edition on Friday and Saturday. A.S. (Austria)
- Event was in general well organised. A.M. (U.S.A.)
- The fair is ok, and I think it will that will more advertisement it will fast grow with participation of more dealers. S.R. (Lithuania)
- I was in Poland some years ago, now has incredibly changed and developed. The fair was excellent organised, the Hall very nice looking and safe. I was happy and will come for sure again. H.K. (Germany)
- It doesn’t exist such an event like this in Poland, I’m impressed and happy because everything worked very well. Next year I am sure that visitors will be many more, impression is positive and people feels comfortable knowing they will attend an event that works! K.K. (Poland)
- Thank you for the good organisation and the pleasant time spent together. The fair was good and has a big growing potential. Why not organising a party?
B.N. (Spain)
- Very good level of services for affordable prices. Thank you. M.R. (Poland)
- Good place for business. V.M. (Russia)
- Event was great, with more visitors than expected for a first edition. The parking is easy, very nice Fairground and… the most cleaned toilets! Compliments! See you in 2013 P.M. (Italy)
- Good deals and the most nice Hostess ever! J.A.M. (Spain)